Quote jonh="jonh"Bloody hell talk about a negative post!!
The Wales investment is a great asset to the club and is only in its infancy.
The thought if walking away at this stage is ridiculous. Wales has always produced great rugby league players and will continue to do so. To not have a presence as we do there only opens the door for others exploit the hot bed of rugby.'"
its not a negative post, its an honest assessment 2 years down the line.
the fact is that the talent we have identified has not really progressed at a good pace, and they have been overtaken by other players. It is not me that abandoned S W Scorpions but the Club itself, in favour of putting players out to develop in Cumbria.
There are 2 issues here.
1 what does RL as a whole want to do in Wales ? and that is a question for the RFL
2 what do we as a Club want to do ?
My concern is that we have such a good talent stream coming through, that young players only have 2-3 seasons before they are overtaken by the next lot. Therefore, looking for talent in Wales is very laudable, but is the development rate of the players that cross over too slow so that they are being overtaken by the locally developed youngsters who have grown up in the game ?
Does anyone know what the Club's current position is on Wales as we dont send players down to Scorpions any more ? (I also have not seen a continued drip feed of Welsh players into the development squads; but there are those on the boards that will know better).
I am very selfish here, and want the best for the Club, not Welsh RL, therefore I want resources to be focussed in the best possible area. After 2 years of targetting Wales, I do not see the progress I would have liked to have seen.
As for the 'talent line of Welsh players' - when was the last genuinely good Welsh RL player who was a cross code convert as opposed to players like Briers and Harris who were English born and bred ? Time have changed and Welsh RFU have lots of money to pay players salaries that we cannot match. I would for a Lee Halfpenny, Mike Phillips or an Adam Jones to play RL, but we cant compete with them now.
My concern is that we are targetting an area with very little bargaining power to be able to convince players to make the change.