A selection of quotes from THE blithering idiot of Rugby League Garry Schofield
On Wigans chances for 2010
"It's disappointing to hear Michael Maguire, Wigan's new coach, talking so much about fitness and defence. I hope this doesn't mean they will play with no flair because they might suffer for it - we don't need a coach stifling someone like Sam Tomkins. But they look more stable than in recent years, although not good enough to win something...." prediction 5th
Any regrets in Rugby League?
"just one - not leaving Leeds under Dougie Laughton and going to Wigan. I was on £20,000 a year at Leeds and Maurice offered me a three-year deal at £100,000 a year. Wigan offered Ellery Hanley and £25,000 for me but in the end they signed Ellery for £250,000. That's loyalty and I wasn't repaid for it either."
Would he like to be working in Rugby League? - Schofield explains why he's never had a coaching job.
"I'd love to be at one of the top clubs and also in the international setup. Man management is just as important as technical coaching at international level, [BEST BIT COMING UP if you get the little things right off the field like
=#FF0040keeping everyone happy and getting the environment right it makes a huge difference"
Of the players playing today who do you think is most similar in terms as strengths and weaknesses to yourself as a player?
"I'd have to say Sam Tomkins. He's got the talent to come into a game when he can see something is on and he's not frightened to do the unexpected. He likes to kick over the top and he'll go for an interception. He doesn't stick to one part of the field like a lot of today's players."
How disappointed were you not to win the Golden Boot because the award was suspended during your finest years as an international player? (Schofield talks about another trophy he failed to win)
"I was in line to receive it in 1991 but the sponsors gott the hump that it wasn't going to an Aussie! I didn't know that until a couple of years ago, but when I heard about it I was extremely proud to have been considered. It would have been based on my performances in the tests in 1990 and I look back on my performances in those tests with a great deal of pride.... Being crowned the worlds best is the highest honour you can receive"
How do you feel when you hear modern players complaining about burn out and having to play 'too many games'?
"It's absolute codswallop! I can't believe any sportsman can say they're tired. The rest period and rehab has never been better. The advice they get on diet etc is far better than it ever has bee. Its laughable to be honest. You should enjoy sport and not moan about being tired. They only play about 30 hours a year, even less if they are a forward"
What was your opinion on Ellery Hanley's refusal to talk to the media when he played?
"He should never have been allowed to get away with it, especially when he was Great Britain captain. No other international captain in any sport would have done that, but Maurice was the man in charge and he let him carry on like that. Favouritism for a Wigan legend perhaps?"
To be continued.