Quote LeythIg="LeythIg" I will try for one final time to get my point across in a manner that wont get me labelled a "thick c*nt".
My original post was to point out why I believe there is some resentment on these boards towards Widnes. I think this resentment is born out of a gripe against the RFL, because there is a perception that they are picking the 14 clubs they want, with the actual application process being a redundant exercise. In 2008, this included Salford and Celtic, next year it is likely to include Widnes. So yes, I believe the RFL have managed the whole process badly.
My "crying at Widnes fans" is based on the fact that I have read a number of posts that, imo, seem to come across as the usual "i'm alright Jack" attitude that we have become used to from Super League fans.
The reason I mentioned Catalans, Celtic, and Paris comes back to me trying to explain why I believe there is resentment being displayed by fans of other clubs. I was not trying to compare the clubs, but suggesting that given the history, maybe Widnes fans could empathise with some people supporting the clubs that the RFL don't seem to give a toss about. '"
Your Catalans, and Paris analogy just doesn’t scan. They were shoehorned into SL under very different circumstances.
Celtic Crusaders were clearly not ready to be given a licence, so that doesn’t work either.
Quote LeythIg="LeythIg" it would be a no-brainer to put Widnes in SL, purely because you are one of the strongest 14 clubs '"
Therefore different again. This is most peoples perception. We are favourites for a totally different reason than Catalans, Celtic, and Paris. We are favourites because we clearly have the best bid.
Quote LeythIg="LeythIg" it would be a no-brainer to put Widnes in SL, purely because you are one of the strongest 14 clubs '"
Quote LeythIg="LeythIg"
I still need some convincing that to suggest no non-super league club will ever submit a franchise bid that is better than the one you are submitting this year is a tad arrogant.'"
Your bitterness and envy will never allow you think any other way. I say this because you haven’t even bothered to acknowledge the context in which the statement was made. It isn’t even an accurate representation of what I actually wrote.
Which was:
Quote LeythIg="Pepe"Believe me, if Widnes don’t get a licence for 2012, no other heartland club ever will again. It would mean that our bid would have to be bettered sometime in the future. Given what Widnes have in place, this would be a massive ask. That would mean that the ladder is pulled up for good, for us all. At least, should Widnes get a licence, there is atill hope for the rest and there would be a standard and a target set.'"
Let me help you to think this through. You now need to answer these simple questions, which I posed to ‘Soss’, honestly.
Quote LeythIg="Pepe"
Because if Widnes fail to get a licence for 2012, even though we have the best application – your words not mine – what do you think that will do to potential investors in Championship clubs and fans wanting to believe that there is a genuine pathway to SL?
What message would that send out to clubs about running expensive youth set ups?
They may as well just give up trying.
Like I said, should Widnes get a licence, it sets the standard for other clubs to follow, shows that there is actually a pathway to SL for Championship clubs, and may well actually see a club bettering Widnes’ 2012 bid. It’s the impact upon the Championship should Widnes not get the licence that could cause a problem imo.
I’m not saying another CC club couldn’t achieve it, it's just that if the best application, and a dammed good one at that, is rejected then what incentive is there for the Championship clubs if the trap door has clearly been firmly closed behind the heartland clubs for good?
It has nothing to do with arrogance. It will also see the end of Widnes as a future SL club as well.'"
What is wrong about these points I have raised, and how does it make me arrogant?