Quote downtheante="downtheante"I think James Rule does a good job letting us know what he can. Much of the bile that has been aimed at him this season has emanated from the Crocker, Lauaki visa fiascos which were nothing to do with FC. If he tells us someone is injured and then they find the scan proves it to be wrong some folk would be saying "it was just spin". Rule cannot second-guess what's in the minds of every supporter simultaneously - I'm pretty sure, whilst we think FC is important, that it's spokesperson is not omnipotent.
Also, when I have made an attempt to speak with KH she has always made the time, been very open and appeared to be very passionate about Hull FC. I suggest people try to talk with her rather than assume that all that is said about her is true and then form your own opinion. I'm sure one or two of you will have had a different experience but, if so, perhaps it's because she's a human being (cue the cheap shots) who has good and bad days like the rest of us. Btw she is not the club's designated spokesperson which is why Rule is the one doing all the talking.'"
rule's a decent media man, it's the rest of the job he seems to have problems with