Quote Hoofer="Hoofer"Genuine question.........if Australia is so wonderful, why do you all leave?
And another one for you, if England is so bad why do you all come here?'"
Genuine Answer.
Personally I left Australia to live and work in Europe on a WHV, as do many Aussies and Kiwis.
Many Aussies I have met over here chose London because
1. The wages are good.
2. Its pretty close to continental Europe with all it's history and culture, and easily accessible thanks to the budget airlines that operate from here.
3. Although expensive to live in, it can work out pretty cheap if you live in a sharehouse with other Aussies. My room in my sharehouse was formerly inhabited by a mate of mine from back home...when his time was up in England and he went back home, I moved in. Thats the way we do things and it works out well. I've already got someone else lined up for my room when I finish here.
4. Our parents did the same thing when they were young back in the late 60's or 70's
5. Its party central every night of the week if you want it. 'Here for a good time, not a long time' is the WHV Aussies motto.
6. Despite the old 'He must work in a bar' line believe it or not I actually have a well paid and fairly interesting job. I can quite comfortably send a good chunk of my wages home and still have enough money to have a good life over here.
For me though this will always just be a visit. It's an experience that I'm pleased to have done.