Quote Dave Lister="Dave Lister"You idea about singing across at other fans falls on its @rse somewhat. You think its better singing across the whole pitch than from one side to the other? Ever been to Leeds? Do those on the Western Terrace and those in the South Stand struggle to communicate?'"
Sorry, but I enjoyed the "cross field" banter in 2007.........and as I said, we are the only club to do this.
OK.....Let's try this one then.
A crowd of 4,250 will fill the east stand.
If you were a first time fan, would you think that:
a/ it slightly odd that there are 3 empty stands....do these guys pay rent on the stands if they open them?
b/ think....wow, that was great. I got to sit beside an 18 stone northerner who tried to set fire to his jersey because his team were losing.
c/ I wonder why the stewards didn't step in when that older couple pointed out that there were away fans sat in their £300+ seats
or...my personal favourite.....
d/ why is that 15 year old from Hull drunk, smoking and telling me his dad says London bring nothing to Rugby League.
All of these I have witnessed this year at the Stoop..........and none enhanced my enjoyment of the game (though the jersey one was funny after the game)
I am not talking about seggregation here, just saying that the west stand "seems" more comfy (for no tangible reason) and the club have taken the easier (but not cheaper) option with no consultation between them and the people who pay their wages.
I predict less ST sales in 2010....that's less revenue from life-long fans who have had enough.
As they say, it takes years to find a needle in a haystack, but a second to lose it......and that is the same for CUSTOMERS.
Fact is, the East Stand is 5yrds further from the pitch and for some strange reason, doesn't feel as comfy as the west. There is no logical reason for it, it just doesn't.
The cost of policing the west stand and east stand, would be no more than the East and the north.
The cost of opening the west bar for home fans only, having 2 trucks at the sides of the stand and then ....closing the west bar after the second half starts, moving the staff across and suplementing them with a few more at 4.44pm is negligable and therefore, I say it is logistically viable, but maybe just a tad too much work for some.