Quote SRW1996="SRW1996"It's also Important we remember those who started the journey and helped put the ship back on course.
John Roddy stepped into the club and joined the previous board when not many were putting their hands up to put a shift in. John joined up with the new regime and put a lot of time in with the LSV and made a great figurehead early in our tenure and was one of the reasons the RFL have a new found respect for the club due to his professional conduct.
Rob Parker although a paid employee often went above and beyond the call of duty and although new to the business side won the respect of many new and existing sponsers.
People like Alan Edge and Michelle Simpkin just to name two played very important roles in our early communications and media strategy before, during and for the first critical months of the new boards tenure and this shouldn't be forgotten and won't be by me. Alan was responsible for the fantastic programme and template we now have and did it at a time when nobody else was willing to step up to the plate. Michelle brought Darren Lilly the clubs now social media man into the very first comms meetings I held and what an assist he's become.
Don Boyle and others who lay the platform and do the hard work behind the running of reserve team rugby which is so crucial in the blooding of young players and the future sucess of the club.
David Rothwell, his wife and Kath Stott work tirelessly on match day operations at no cost to the club.
Michael Ward who volenteers his time on matchday music and audio FOC.
Cliver Render and Tom Simms Legends bar and match compares again FOC.
It's easy once sucess has arrived to pat the people on the back who come to the fore and collect the prizes, trophies and glory but it's important to remember all the supporting cast and people who collectively make it all happen.
Far to many great volenteers to name them all but they who they all are and they know who they have my respect, board members come and go but these people along with the clubs major stakeholder the fans are the real key to the clubs sucess.
I don't think this year could have gone any better and all expectations have so far been exceeded and Lady Luck has been with us, who could have predicted Sheffield would underperform to such a degree, Fevs one man dictatorship ultimately bringing them down to earth with a bang and Halifax also failing to ever really get going?
Like In Formula One if you give your driver the best posible vehicle and resources 9/10 they win the race and we're all the others fell down we succeeded as a club and that is so pleasing in so many ways.
The big tests lie ahead as our car won't nesesarily be faster than all the others next year so our driver will be tested but I'm sure we will once again rise to the challenge and I predict progress to be maintained.
See you all Sunday!
Cheers Andy!
I was an outsider looking in when I first came aboard, now I consider myself part of the Leyth Family! I've loved and continue to love every minute of it.