Quote The Black Cat="The Black Cat"The blind leading the blind! There are actually two exits at the bottom of the stadium road leading to Liverpool Rd. but thats not the issue. I was in a car that has a permit for FRONT WEST STAND but was force directed to the north stand car park even when there were spaces in the west stand car park? Why? Then after the game I got in the car at 21.40 and was not permitted to move by some fool blocking all exits with cones until 22:25. 45 minutes?????????????? It's simply unacceptable. The lights on Liverpool Road have extended green light time and less on red for match days. When we finally got on the stadium rd it took less than a minute from the roundabout at the stadium to exit at the lights on Liverpool rd. The issue is in the car park itself not the final exit route! Whoever is responsible for directing traffic off the car park needs a serious dressing down.
Iain you are right not to park there, organise/-up/brewery/couldn't spring to mind!'"
Yes and those two exits come from the 1 road leading too them, well you need to grow a pair and park where your ticket says your allowed to park, i was working in the ground before and during the game and only went on the car park after full time, the ground safety officer has the final call over everything in and around the ground, and its him that calls for the car park too be closed while the pedestrians leave the ground. As your get Knob heads driving across pavements, across pedestrian crossings. would only be a matter of time untill someone was knocked over, if you bothered reading my last post, the car parks would empty far quicker if the cars just did what they was told and not try taking things into their own hands, moving cones and ripping tapes. then cutting in on people who have waited properly. A wigan fan and her police officer husband thought they would try and take over and tried to open the car park and send the cars a completely different way making a huge mess, so its more the fans than the attendants.