First things first, I'm sorry this is in another thread, but it needs it's own for the sake of the attention it should recieve.
Clearly, we are all in shock about the news this morning. The fact we are so close to extinction and losing the club we all love rings true to our hearts, and thanks to the ineptitude, lies and mis-management from certain people, our club is close to hitting the wall.
Mr Hood's 'idea' of us all contributing £100 to feed the black hole is quite frankly, an appalling one. I've seen plenty of reasoned responses from established posters on here that back that up. Why should the fans give £100 of their own money with no guarantee where it's going, or with any return from it?
So, here is mine (and Mick Gledhill's) idea.
I have seen posts suggesting BullBuilder get involved, which is a constructive one, but I would be prepared to suggest that goes against BullBuilder's remit, does it not? So, if not BullBuilder, a new fund/trust/entity should be formed, namely the "Save Our Bulls" foundation. There will undoubtedly be 99% of fans willing to give money to the club. But as fans, we should be entitled to know where it is going, and what is happening instead of being lied to
time and time again. If an independent committee could be formed, I refer you all to a post I saw earlier in the main thread:
Quote Save Our Bulls="bellycouldtackle"Do not give your money to the club, give it to your supporters trust ( associated to supporters direct ) . Then if the board want your money the terms must be that the chairman of the supporters trust is appointed to the board. Then the supporters have a direct link to the running of the club.'"
This is THE idea we should all be pursuing. Do we really want more lies, more covering up and the same board going through all this again? There HAS to be change. It is on this basis that I propose a meeting, next Monday evening (2nd April), with everybody welcome, along with their ideas. If there is subsequent interest, I will endeavour to arrange a venue in due course.
Please. I know we cannot lose our club, but we cannot allow this situation to happen again. Let US, the fans, the ones who love this club to the ground, have a say in the running of our club.
Thank you for your time in reading it.