Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"That's correct I posted about the very same thing last night, Robys play the ball and the pass to Gaskell were very slow, giving the defender too much time to pressurise the kicker.'"
There was also the element of predictability about it, in that Saints have been using the play of passing to Gaskell who stands deep on the fourth tackle for a punt all season. Its not the first time i have seen this kick charged down.
Saints need to vary their kick options. I think in part this is the coaches trying to keep things basic for the young players. However it does make it easier for the opposition to read what is about to happen.
Also thought Wellens was exposed again for his diminishing pace. A few years ago he would have been able to hold off Monas, not now.
Similar thing happened with the 40/20 that resulted in a dropout. He was just too slow getting across. Also there was a time when Wire kicked through and he was caught in goal when he should have been quick enough to retrieve the ball in the field of play.
He still however shows his experience with other play, eg not getting committed when Hodgson broke clear, however his fading leg speed is becoming more and more noticable. Sad to see but it happens to all the best players sooner or later.