Quote G1="G1"You don't think the present generation possess sublime rugby skills? I've seen moments of sublime skill from McGuire, Burrow, Sinfield, Ali, Webb, Donald, Hall, Harris, Lyons , Ettinghausen, Schofield, Hanley etc etc that I will look back on with the same justified rose tintedness that you look back upon older generations of players.'"
Yes I do think that some of the present generation possess sublime rugby skills which is why I included several in my "greatest 17" So no rose tintedness there.
Quote G1="G1"My "sole criteria" is not cups won. However, I think older generations do look back through rose tinted glasses. I posted a couple of months ago about the season Leeds were enduring under Hynes in 1978 when they won the cup against Saints. It was worse than this season. But as time passes so does the memory of the mundane displays and all that we remember are the great ones.'"
How do you know that the older generation look back through rose tinted glasses? Unless you had witnessed the rugby skills of some of these legends then you are not in any position to imply that the opinion of others is somewhat coloured with a rose tint.
Are you saying your own selections are based on good rugby acumen?
Because you have included several players who didn't win much and may qualify as recent past legends. Younger posters may also never have seen these play. So does that then compromise your selections and qualify you for a free pair of Specsavers best rose tints?
Quote G1="G1"That is why many of this team doesn't get the recognition it deserves because it's still playing. In fifteen years time I suspect my generation will be waxing lyrical just like older generations do about the players they watched.'"
I think the stars of this team (when in their prime) have been recognised as legends. Because they are still playing doesn't prevent this.
Quote G1="G1"Of course it's subjective but there is one inalienable truth. This is a team sport when they aim is success for the team. In terms of championships this generation of players have surpassed anything that generations past have managed and that has to be recognised. This is not tennis.'"
It may not be tennis but it is also not what this thread is all about. To quote you "read the thread title carefully"
You are off at a tangent again and despite your claim that "My sole criteria is not cups won" you come back with it yet again.
The thread is about the "greatest 17 in your era of watching Leeds" Most have chosen based on the greatest and most gifted players they have seen and not if they had won anything.
Yes this is a team game and yes we all want to win. But first and formost it is about entertainment provided by rugby skills. I repeat I have vivid memories of individual skills combined together to provide brilliant sweeping moves that sometimes didn't achieve a try let alone a cup. But by golly I had witnessed rugby greatness!