Quote The Dors="The Dors"I point you in the direct of [url=http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/sport/Leeds-Rhinos-Departing-Scott-Donald39s.6561880.jp[uScott Donald's comments[/u[/url on the SKY commentating team. According to him [i"Stevo is holding the game back"[/i.'"
A Rhinos player moaning? You're kidding me.
I understand Phil Clarkes point about McGuire, as good a player as he is, he definately tried to cheat Wigan out of that almost certain try so you have to say it's his own fault for getting injured. He shouldn't of being making that tackle.
And as for Stevo, I think it's a shame for players to be talking about him like that. The amount of work and dedication he puts into our game. He is 100% dedicated to it. He commentates on at least 2 games a week, does the Super League preview on thursdays, Boots n all appearences, Article in League Express, set up a very interesting and FREE museum in the George hotel and god knows what else. According to the bloke who runs the Museum, Stevo is always running around going to meetings and all sorts and that he is doing to much for a guy of his age, all in the name of the Game he loves so much. The monday after the CC final he was up in Egremont refereeing a charity game for the Purdham Family. Limping throughout the game he did stick it out til the end, putting the game and the Purdham family first before the amount of stick he gets. And after running around for so long (for an old bloke :p ) he was still nice enough to have his picture taken with me after the game aswell as some other people.
As a kid watching the first few seasons of Super League with my Grand parents, I enjoyed listening to Eddie and Stevo's commentary with the banter between the two and picked up alot about the game aswell.
No matter what you say about Stevo and Eddie, give me them two over O' Connor and McDermott ANY time!!!
Rant over...Bring on the town hall!!! And Lets hope the DVD extras isn't extra footage of Holly with his hanging out in the changing rooms like on Sky sports pre-game. haha