Quote fatabbott="fatabbott"ok, which boundaries do you feel were crossed on friday night? (other than the throwing of the drinks by some kids)'"
I thought the drinks bottle was thrown within the boundaries of the South Stand, by so called fax fans, towards Fax Fans. Nothing to do with the treatment given to the Widnes team as they left the field.
I am sure plenty of abuse was hurled at the Widnes players, not sure how offensive, probably just the usual, Duffy, Woldbore getting called fat etc etc. Nothing they haven't heard before, and they are having the last laugh as they are professional rugby players and we aren't.
I went to that corner, as Silverwood left the field to "Question" his 22mtr restart rule. He didn't appear to be interested and just smiled and walked past. Basically, heard it all before, and fair play to how he handle it.
Bottom line, the ref and opposition are fair game for a bit of post match questioning/banter. However, anyone throwing a bottle, plastic or otherwise, within a busy stand should be ejected from the ground.