Quote wereutherein1987?="wereutherein1987?"Martin,
I agree with the sentiments of this post BUT one thing still bothers me. You don't seem to recognise anywhere that FEV has a problem.
You refer to the 'mindless minority' that attach themselves to clubs of which you have a point. BUT FEV have more than a minority of idiots and are without doubt the most hostile of fans. Accepted there is a majority of fans who are great but the larger than normal minority still exists!
Sunday's GF experience wasn't pleasant as it should have been. I had to enter the ground early as my son found the whole "banter" confusing; why is that man calling us W@nkers? Why has that Fev fan just threatened that Fax supporter? Why aren't the Fev fans the same as Barrow fans last year?
Talking to my father (retired Fax fan) when I got home he wasn't surprised. "they've always been the same them Fev fans".
So my question to you Martin is.. "Do you think Fev have a hooligan problem? more so than other Champ RL clubs?"
Without clarity of this issue there's no foundation for bridge building IMO.
If I have interpreted the post wrongly I apologies.'"
I will try to answer this as best I can. I do not know whether or not you will like the answer, but it is an honest one.
I do not believe that Featherstone Rovers RLFC has a problem within themselves. At least nothing that they can control. Let me give you a few examples of what the club did leading up to the Grand Final.
1. The club organised official travel. Not something it normally does, but they wanted to have some level of control over the people going to the game. 15 buses were booked and sold.
2. Every person that bought a ticket from the club had to fill out a form for their party. On this form there was a tear-off slip that reminded people of the policies of the Warrington ground with regard to alcohol and also reminding people that they are representing the club the town and themselves.
3. For every person that bought a seating ticket, the club recorded the details of what row, seat etc that person purchased.
4. On the day of the game a statement was read out on each of the 15 coaches, re-iterating the behaviour that was expected and reminding people that they were representing Featherstone Rovers.
Beyond this, I am not sure what the club can do? They cannot regulate who buys tickets, they cannot control buses that go from other sources or are self arranged.
What I certainly would say is that there are people who followed Featherstone Rovers last Sunday who are a problem to themselves, to other people, to the Featherstone Club and to Rugby League in general. You use the term hooligans and I would agree that there is a hooligan element amongst them. It hurts me as a true supporter, but how can you control this as a club? That is a serious question BTW, I am interested in sensible answers.
What I will also say, is that the vast majority of regular Featherstone fans, that go home and away week in week out are no problem. I cannot comment on the past, we need to look at the present to solve this crime and bring people to justice, and the future to influence where we can. Antagonism between supporters of the clubs will not help this, hence why I favour coming together and showing that the true fans of the game really do care.
I myself experienced drunken comments from Featherstone fans who I have never seen in my life before last Sunday. I was helping to put together the club DVD and we went into the town to get some pre-match thoughts of some supporters before the game. Whilst most were in good spirits some were intimidating so we abondoned the exercise early. So yes, I agree there was a problem, but I do not agree that Featherstone Rovers RLFC themselves have a problem.
I know the club has appealed for information, via a newsletter sent to over 1000 registered and posted on the front page of the website. This appeal has the direct phone number of a club director on it. Also, I was at the scene shortly after the incident and it was the spouses of some of the club directors and official who were helping administer first aid to David.
Nobody is taking this lightly.
I and just so sickened by what has happened and the damage it has done all round.
Hope that helps?